Your holiday in Santa Caterina Valfurva
Hotel Alle Tre Baite offers a wide range of services to ensure a pleasant stay ,equipped with every comfort.
Our staff is at your complete disposal to satisfy every request.
To make your stay even more enjoyable Hotel Alle Tre Baite every morning gives you a good morning with a large breakfast buffet. For guests with special needs we offer on request a selection of vegan and gluten free products.
Our living room is the ideal place to relax after a pleasant day spent on the ski slopes heated by a typical stove. Also you can enjoy hot and cold drinks, aperitifs, wines and bitters at our bar.
On our terrace you can enjoy moments of relax surrounded by the green of our garden and admire the wonderful mountain view.
To store your equipment we have heated lockers and reserved for each guest.
On request it is possible to park in complete safety in our large heated garage. The service requires payment.
Via Santa Caterina 24
23030 - Valfurva (SO) -Italy